Igreja da Fé
Pároco do Campus

Brandon Dumas
Texto ou chamada
(203) 793-0010
Horários de serviço
9:00 AM e 11:00 AM
Faith Kids (apenas às 11h)
Estudo Bíblico
MPACT Juventude
Fique por dentro
& nunca perca nada.
March 16 | 11AM
Wolcott Location
Child dedications are a promise that parents make to raise their child according to God's Word. This service is a confirmation between the parents and the church that each will do their part to see that the child is raised in a godly way.
To sign up your child,

March 28
Potluck 6PM | MTG 7PM
Wolcott Location
We want to experience spiritual growth for our team, church, and community. If you regularly serve at Faith Church, we invite to join us for a night of encouragement led by Pastor Frank. We hope to see you there!

Every 1st Friday Of The Month
Wolcott Location
Join us as we host our monthly movie night. Free snacks and refreshments will be provided, we can't wait to see you there!
Next Movie Night:
Friday April 4
Conheça nossa equipe

Brandon + Judy Dumas
Pastores do Campus

AJ Mitchell
Diretor de Juventude do MPACT

Yasmine Casanova
Diretor de Velocidade da Faith Kids

André + Dida Foote
Diretores do Faith Kids WoW

Newton Isaacs
Gerente de Produção + Tecnologia